More Bumper Sticker Philosophy

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. – Albert Einstein.

I have long forgotten where I first heard this phrase and then one day, I saw it on a bumper sticker:

O.K. – Think about it – how many times have you thought something, especially about yourself that you fully and completely bought into? Most of our self-blame, self-deprecating, self-criticizing thoughts came from somewhere. They’re either old tapes from childhood, parents, peers, teachers, who probably meant well – at least on some level. Or, they’re thoughts that you cooked up all by yourself, building on criticisms that you heard along the way.

And what about when your mind slips into judgement about something or someone else? The mind seems to constantly want to label, compare, contrast as a way of controlling and making sense of life. But when that propensity to judge kicks in, we’re often left with either a sense of self-righteousness or some icky feeling that then feeds on our love of self-blame. What better way to validate that you’re a shit if you think bad thoughts about someone?

I think Einstein was right. We honor the rational mind too much. Not only do we honor it, we believe it! Think of all the suffering that could be avoided if we simply told our rational mind to mind its own business.

Here are a few suggestions to help you connect more fully with the intuitive mind and tell that pesky rational mind to take a hike!

  • Become the objective observer. When something is too close, we can’t see all of its dimensions. By mentally stepping back and looking at the situation, we can be more conscious and objective. Then we make better choices.
  • Become more familiar with the vibration of the intuitive mind. Some of the qualities of the intuitive mind (LargeSelf, Higher Self) are kindness, love, objectivity, and a bigger picture. It’s that feeling that says: “I don’t see me (them) as bad or scary.”
  • Remember to be in your body. When you find yourself believing thoughts that feel icky,  stop, breathe, come into the present moment. From that place, you can slow down the mental chatter and take back your power.
  • Have a conversation with yourself. Yes, it’s okay to do that – we all do. When a negative thought comes blasting in, you can say: “Interesting point of view. Thank you very much. I’ll consider it, but for right now I’m going to do something else.”
  • As you practice all of the above, notice how your thought patterns begin to shift. Over time, you’ll realize that you have replaced scary, negative thoughts with more loving, kind thoughts. After all, believing everything you think is just a habit. Once you start to changing that habit, you’ll be able to build on it.

So remember, your rational mind is a great tool. But it is just that – a tool. And sometimes it can be a tool (grin)!  Use it to do math problems, read, learn information. But don’t believe it. Because it wants you to give it your power. Just say no…



©CathyUlrich and LargeSelf, 2012

13 comments on “More Bumper Sticker Philosophy

  1. For me, much of the “rational” was the emotional self pretending to be rational. My need for an intellectual argument to justify what my intuition said was right was an Emotional need, not a rational objection: rejectionist rather than sceptical. Rational is far cleaner and cooler. Oh, the work involved in Trusting!


  2. Dearest Cathy–I love this post and all of your tips are so helpful. Many thanks! Love-Julie


  3. Sometimes I wonder if you’re in my brain, Cathy, because you always post just what I’m thinking about. I had a discussion about this with someone the other day, about how your perception of reality ends up becoming reality, no matter how skewed it might be. We’ve all done it to some degree, based on childhood experiences, insecurities, self-judgment, fear, etc. And it’s amazing how a shift in perception can change SO MUCH. When I first started trying to change my perception to match the reality I wanted, I was stunned at how radically it worked. Thank you for this!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      You’re very welcome, MW. And thank YOU! I just love synchronicities. I’ve heard the world is speeding up, these days and we seem to be getting more and more of them, don’t you think? Very cool. Love, Cathy


  4. russtowne says:

    Thank you for the great reminders and suggestions in this post, Kathy.

    I enjoy your presence in my life.



  5. “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. – Albert Einstein.”

    Wonderful quote Cathy. It reminds me of Jill Bolte Taylor’s great TED speech where she so clearly saw the two ‘mind’s’. The right brain, intuitive side that sees all as one and the left brain, rational side that see everything as other. Like Einstein, she saw clearly that allowing the servant control is what is creating all the problems in the world.


  6. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Wow, Justina. I so agree. I saw Jill Bolte Taylor’s speech – just amazing, as is her book. The way she describes her perceptions and enlightenment through the intuitive, right brain in unrivaled. Thank you for this great response.


  7. Gina's Professions for PEACE says:

    This is an amazingly helpful post Cathy. I love it. Your points to help us engage our intuitive mind are clear and excellent reminders. Your first point is so important. I recall Dr Dyer teaching us to step back and observe ourselves in his ‘Sacred Self’ book. I really work on that, because it’s such an excellent place to begin. And then to look at the bigger picture with the vibrations of the Higher Self – excellent. And your third point is so helpful – I do have to remember to just breathe, and return to my body sometimes. All these points are awesome. They help us to use this ‘tool’ of our rational mind, and not let it turn us into a ‘tool’ (I adore your wit!)
    Hugs, Gina


  8. Cathy Ulrich says:

    🙂 Thanks, Gina. I think it really helps to know that we have the power to work with our minds in all of their facets instead of being victims to them. I think that’s one way of looking at enlightenment. Thank you, my enlightened friend! Love, Cathy


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