Haiku Sunday #2

Welcome all. Are you ready to get your haiku on?  Here’s our photo for the week and I’ll start the thread. 5-7-5 – I like to count on my fingers.

Cephalopod's Domicile by Cathy Ulrich

Cephalopod’s Domicile by Cathy Ulrich

Hiding Octopus
in coral habitation
keeping eye on me

Now you! I’ll reply in haiku…

33 comments on “Haiku Sunday #2

  1. Cephalapod eye
    Sneaks around, Octopus guy
    Fishies might now die

    And I rhymed it – bad Haiku! Bad HAIKU!


  2. Carrie Rubin says:

    On Sunday morning
    This octopus looks like me
    Hiding in its bed


  3. unfetteredbs says:

    octopus lurking
    innocent fish swims
    lunchtime drive-by yum


  4. ninagrao says:

    Life under water
    Pretty colors, blue,red, pink
    Deceiving beauty


  5. Slimy octopus
    Waiting for his next fish meal
    Chewy octopus

    Okay – mine made no sense! Hi Cathy. Happy Sunday!!


  6. marydpierce says:

    Fish dance water bound
    Subterranean pink eye
    Prefers to observe


  7. Lovely octopi
    They like cozy hiding spots
    They’re quite smart, really


  8. Adam S says:

    I would like to be
    Under the sea in an Oc-
    -topuses garden

    It almost worked…


  9. Candy Holman says:

    Hi Cathy, since I love color, I love your colorful photo. Thanks for making my day brighter. Sending you much love and joy, Candy


  10. GlowWorm says:

    Crusted and sparkling
    A beautiful barrier
    Is still a barrier


  11. robincoyle says:

    He is exactly why I don’t scuba dive.


  12. Beautiful Ocean
    Filled with colorful creatures
    Some hidden from view


  13. seabluelee says:

    You and your readers are cleverer than I, but I thoroughly enjoyed this post and all the comments!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thank you, seabluelee! Haiku is a fun past time and it’s fun to share with others here. I’m planning on doing it every Sunday for a while. I’d love to have you stop by and check it out.


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