Haiku Sunday #4 – More of My Neighborhood

For this week’s photo challenge, we were asked to share a picture of our neighborhood and I posted a view of the snowstorm through my front portico. If you imagine looking just to the right of that portico, you might see this on a warm summer day. This young buck likes to hang out there cooling himself and enjoying the shade. So here’s your haiku challenge: either write a haiku about our Mule deer friend or about what you might see outside your front door!

Young Buck

Young Buck

Smiling for a pic
young buck sleeps in the cool shade
Is that a problem?

23 comments on “Haiku Sunday #4 – More of My Neighborhood

  1. ninagrao says:

    Citrus trees abound
    Banana trees and mountains
    Blue sky, what a sight


  2. unkempt yellow grass
    red bicycle abandoned
    wheelbarrow left berift


  3. Pat THorpe says:

    Beautiful deer!


  4. unfetteredbs says:

    Covered with ticks
    Go away


  5. Carrie Rubin says:

    For once there’s no snow
    In its place is bright sunshine
    Going for walk soon


  6. marydpierce says:

    Love your neighborhood, Cathy!


  7. Lifeboats of ice
    Hugging the shores of Lake Mich
    Melting away


  8. aFrankAngle says:

    Young buck posing for picture
    Seems to want a treat
    But unsure if it is right


  9. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Volted fence out back
    Keeps him from my veggie patch
    Must settle for shade


  10. What a amazing photo, it is almost as though he posed for you.


  11. First glimpses of Spring
    Flowering trees and ducklings
    The smell of cut grass


  12. ok here goes! (after 20 minutes of deep, hard effort for my first attempt at haiku!!) 😀
    She sits docile and meek
    Serene on a bed of tender green
    A heart leaps in delight!


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