Sunday Haiku #5

For  this week’s Haiku challenge, I chose a shot from our last scuba trip to St. Kitt’s. This gorgeous creature is now a menace to the reefs in the Caribbean. As a non-indigenous species (it hails from the South Pacific and was introduced to western waters from someone’s hobbyist aquarium in Florida), it has no predators and is breeding rapidly in that part of the world. Fortunately, even though the Lionfish is extremely poisonous, it moves very slowly. So a careful diver can avoid touching its dreaded dorsal spines.

I invite you to comment in Haiku – either about this shot or about your favorite vacation destination. Three lines – five syllables – seven syllables – five syllables. And have a great Sunday!

Lion Fish in Focus by Cathy Ulrich

Lion Fish in Focus by Cathy Ulrich

Pouty expression
Angel’s wings give bitter pain
Do not tread on me

31 comments on “Sunday Haiku #5

  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    My favorite place
    Includes an ocean and sun
    Any beach will do


  2. Kari Armstrong says:

    Dangerous beauty
    In bluesea slowly finning
    Otherworldly dreams.


  3. annmcginley says:

    As in Florida,
    Caribbean newcomer
    adds beauty to life.


  4. holiday blessings
    are not in the location
    but the company


  5. Brigitte says:

    Sunshine, a warm breeze
    My love, my pups, my blessings
    Anywhere is good!


  6. Dated Lionfish once.
    Good thing we didn’t do it.
    Dodged a bullet.


  7. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Glad you stayed away.
    A dangerous business
    Fish out of water…


  8. dandy lion seeds
    blown from an aquarium
    can’t be weeded out


  9. It’s St. Kitts! St. Kitts!
    In water, no sheep this time around
    St. Kitt’s Sheep bring joy


  10. unfetteredbs says:

    firecracker fins
    rainbow camouflaged facade
    sandy sunbathe instead


  11. A fabulous photograph Cathy and thanks for the interesting information.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thank you, Athena! Seeing these guys is a two-edged sword. One is supposed to frown when one sees them while diving, but as a photographer, I LOVE to photograph them. They are truly beautiful! 🙂


  12. aFrankAngle says:

    A beautiful fish
    Although I never go fishing
    So fish tanks it be.


  13. robincoyle says:

    Once again I say
    Scuba is not for me now
    Scary things in deep

    Good lord, that was bad.


  14. I’m a crabby fish
    Yes, I’m very pretty but
    Please go away now


  15. seabluelee says:

    Beautiful lion
    Only defending itself
    Too bad so deadly.


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