44 comments on “Choices

  1. Gosh. Muscular Christianity (or whatever the new age equivalent is) or what? That quote- sometimes complaining is the precursor to action, or the prompt of another’s action. If it is all the complainer can manage, it may be enough, and possibly the complainer is not merely a peevish negative victim/ martyr, but a bit tired.

    That close, the cactus almost becomes abstract. Beautiful.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      True, Clare. Sometimes the complaining is a precursor to action. I think the quote is more about chronic complaining without any movement towards shifting. There are those who would complain without ever doing anything differently.


  2. aFrankAngle says:

    Oh my … love the way you used the pic as a decision tree!


  3. ShimonZ says:

    I’m not sure I understand the quote. The picture is much easier. To me, complaining is primarily a pledge of allegiance.


  4. Professions for PEACE says:

    This quote is amazing. And so is that incredible plant. I love it!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, Gina! I’m afraid I may have offended a few with the quote. It was more of an invitation to shift. Hope it wasn’t too preachy! 🙂


      • Professions for PEACE says:

        To me, I feel like Leonard Jacobson is offering an option, another way of looking at what we might be tempted to complain about. Instead of feeling like a victim who utters complaints, why not take action to change something? In her later years my mom would complain that there were never clerks available in department stores to help her find something. This quote, I feel, encourages someone in this example to take action (and not be a victim) and go right up to the Customer Service counter upon entering the store, and ask for help where there are always staff. That’s just my take. I find this quote to be very inspiring! Thanks so much Cathy.
        Love & Hugs, Gina


  5. Carrie Rubin says:

    Great picture. Fabulous quote. 🙂


  6. There’s line in a song that I love (it makes me think of my Italian family)
    “You should think yourself lucky that this was done
    You’ll have something you can whine about for years to come”


  7. Brigitte says:

    Cathy, what a lovely and wonderful reminder. You are an inspiration my friend — your words, your pics, YOU. xo


  8. no truer words have been spoken–love the pic you chose to go with the quote


  9. Ha, yes. El Boyfriendo says you can either complain about the problem or the solution, but not both. I tend to agree. I’m definitely in the “yeah, so what are you going to DO about it?” camp, myself. 🙂


  10. Athena Brady says:

    Great quote & pic Cathy, my computer died last week. I have a one one now so catching up on everyone’s posts I missed.


  11. unfetteredbs says:

    Brilliant pairing Cathy !


  12. The Hook says:

    Fascinating cactus and quote, Cathy.


  13. Great picture and perfect quote, Cathy, but if un-sure footed me tripped and fell into that cactus, then I’d really have something to complain about!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I’d probably be complaining too, V. As a matter of fact, last year I went mountain biking with Peter on an “easy” trail and I zigged when I should have zagged and landed on a prickly pear cactus. Peter, who was in the lead, said he heard a soft crash followed by a loud “sh……..t!” Then he had the pleasure of pulling cactus spines out of my derrier. I suspect the quote refers more to those people who are chronic complainers, not those such as myself in that situation…


  14. Rohan 7 Things says:

    Great picture and quote Cathy. As some have pointed out a good while can be good sometimes, but there’s really nothing worse that the chronic complainer. Those who actually indulge in their self loathing, in their victim status. It takes a very brave person to actually move beyond that and seek actual solutions and progress 🙂

    Thanks for sharing! All the best 😉



    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Yes, there can be something very therapeutic about a good whine! And I also agree – it takes courage to move beyond the whining to a place of action. Have you ever read Leonard Jacobson, Rohan? He’s from your native Australia and a wonderful mystic. He writes a lot of poetry. You might like him! Hope you’re having a wonderful day!


  15. vastlycurious.com says:

    Love the picture! It certainly made me think twice about whining!


  16. I’m a complainer. I admit it. I’d probably complain a lot more if I were snagged on the spines of this gorgeous cactus, though. 😀


  17. Cathy, this post came at such a perfect time for me. Recently, I’ve stopped complaining about a situation, and started accepting responsibility for it. Now I am taking action.

    Complaining is fine, but the complainer must admit they aren’t a step closer to solving the problem. It’s only when we accept something that we can let it go. My two cents 🙂


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