They Came to My Town

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they came to my town
a parade of state patrol cars,
motorcycles, bicycles

the color spectrum covered
by fans and riders
a celebration of the sport
a competition to the end

we waited
the helicopter appeared in the distance
flashing lights announced their approach
tiny dots on the hill
quickly transformed to men on bikes
riding across the dam
then up the hill and gone

The US Pro Cycling challenge completed its sixth stage in Fort Collins on Saturday. I attended with thousands of fans. And our hometown hero, Tejay van Garteren won the Challenge!

19 comments on “They Came to My Town

  1. Is that Horseshoe in the background? That is a steep hill!


  2. aFrankAngle says:

    You had a beautiful setting for a seat. Cheers to your hometown rider!


  3. mimijk says:

    I can feel the power of those cyclists!!


  4. Has anyone ever referred to this race as Tour de Colorado, Cathy?


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Sorry for the late reply, V. My sister just got into town yesterday and I’ve been enjoying her company! Interestingly, the racers often refer to this race as the Tour of Colorado, even though that’s not its official name.


  5. Pretty exciting! Those cyclists blow me away!


  6. Athena Brady says:

    Hi Cathy, I love your adventurous spirit and how you share your adventures with us all. A great post, well done.


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