35 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Window

  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    You’re a brave woman to ski. Especially in that cold weather! I’d be the one lounging in the ski lodge, never to leave the place except upon arrival and departure. 😉


  2. unfetteredbs says:



  3. vastlycurious.com says:

    Thats a brrrrrrrrr moment ! Your trips are completely contrary to each other ! How nice Cathy!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      That’s funny you’d say that, Kathryn. I was just saying to Peter yesterday that we got to do two of our very favorite sports in totally opposite climates within three weeks of each other! So fun! The great thing about living in Colorado is that we’re only a couple of hour’ drive from some of the World’s best skiing and it’s a passion for both of us. I feel so blessed to be able to do it. I got some good footage on the GoPro so I’m hoping to get a video up on Monday.


      • vastlycurious.com says:

        Yes I was thinking the same. I am really excited to watch your GoPro’s , keep em coming!!!!!


  4. Can’t ski right now, and it’s killing me… but oh, to look it out the window… That is wonderful!


  5. bikerchick57 says:

    That’s too cold for skiing. The trip up the chair lift had to have been torture.


  6. Ah, memories of skiing. But that temp is way too cold!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      It was right on the edge of being too cold, Susan. We quit after lunch, just couldn’t keep our feet warm. But we’re going back out today before heading home and it’s supposed to be warmer.


  7. Nice one! Yeah, that looks cold all right. Brrr!! Thank goodness for hot chocolate, Cathy.


  8. Yep, it’s about that cold here too, Cathy. But oddly I am not even tempted to go out skiing in it, or much of anything else. I will leave that to braver souls like you. 🙂


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  10. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – Window « LargeSelf […]


  11. Ese' s Voice says:

    I really like the view and the mood of it! 🙂


  12. Sorry I’m so late to this one, Cathy. This is possibly due to my natural aversion to skiing. I did it once fifteen years ago and hate it forever. And just the idea of subjecting myself to that degree of cold? I’d rather lounge around inside my freezer for warmth. Your picture rekindles my memory of that frozen hell well.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      So sorry, V. You may want to skip Movie Monday, then. Or you might enjoy skiing without having to actually do it! Don’t know. I will say that the first time I went skiing, I also hated it! I even made a deal with God that if she got me off the mountain in one piece, I would never do it again. Obviously, I lied…


  13. ShimonZ says:

    Yes, it does look like hot chocolate weather.


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