The Elusive Forms of Reality

Eagle Ray's Flight

Eagle Ray’s Flight

I seek truth and beauty in the transparency of an autumn leaf, in the perfect form of a seashell on the beach, in the curve of a woman’s back, in the texture of an ancient tree trunk, but also in the elusive forms of reality.  ~Isabel Allende

28 comments on “The Elusive Forms of Reality

  1. the elusive forms of reality — love this


  2. Poignant quote with your image.


  3. mimijk says:

    I was awed by the picture and touched to the core with Allende’s words. Perfect.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I’m glad, Mimi. I loved the quote too, and the photo seemed appropriate. I love Eagle Rays and this was the only one I saw while in Bonaire last month. It was flying above our heads and way too far away to chase, so I just took the shot from below. I did like how it came out. Thank you!


  4. seabluelee says:

    A beautiful image, and I love the quotation.


  5. That is a beautiful shot and quote. I love how it’s soaring like an Eagle just overhead. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing, Cathy!


  6. THIS one could be a book cover, or a large print… Stunning! I love this, Cathy.


  7. unfetteredbs says:

    Ghostlike… Elusive indeed.


  8. aFrankAngle says:

    OMG … you looked up at the right time. Great catch!


  9. Wow, Cathy, beautiful! I wonder if it tastes like chicken?

    Sorry, I couldn’t control myself. I know the Eagle Ray is an endangered species.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      This comment definitely got the desired effect, V. It made me laugh! I don’t know if they’re endangered or if they taste like chicken, but I suspect they taste more like swordfish!


      • Oh, good, glad you laughed! I think it’s the spotted Eagle Ray that’s endangered. Maybe it’s the solid colored ones have targets on their backs, if solid color ones exist?


      • Cathy Ulrich says:

        You’re right, these are the spotted Eagle Rays. I just didn’t know that they were endangered… We see them fairly often on dive trips, so I didn’t know the species was in trouble!


  10. Truth and beauty…

    William Blake: Everything that is, is holy.


  11. MaldivesDreamer says:

    A beautiful picture of a beautiful creature!


  12. I really like this one, and the quote! Beautiful.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thank you, Amy. We were at a depth of about 90 feet when the Eagle Ray swam overhead. I so wanted to swim up to it, but that wouldn’t have been safe, so I had to settle for this shot. Then I decided I really liked what I got!


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