27 comments on “Who’s there?

  1. mimijk says:

    WOW!! What a terrific photo!!


  2. susielindau says:

    How did you get that fantastic shot????


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      This nest is in a cottonwood tree near the bike path and I was running by there about a month ago when I noticed people looking up. I decided to take my Nikon with 300mm lens this past Sunday, hoping she would still be there. She was! I also took my tripod. She was good enough to pose for me!


  3. Wow, he really blends in! But he was there the hole time… 😛


  4. Carrie Rubin says:

    Fantastic photo! What wonderful camouflage.


  5. That is an amazing shot, Cathy. That owl looks so snuggly in its hole, it makes me wish I could live in a tree.


  6. I felt envious, then you said she was posing…….


  7. bikerchick57 says:

    I love the picture. Miss Owl looks very content to be wedged in the hole.


  8. Brigitte says:

    Love it!! Owls are so wise and wonderful.


  9. russtowne says:

    Great shot, Cathy! I love the expression, textures, rings inside the hole, and the way the tree evokes a wavy motion to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. aFrankAngle says:

    Good eye on catching this one. How close did you get?


  11. seabluelee says:

    Her expression made me laugh. She really does look like someone just woke her up, and she’s not happy about it.


  12. P.E.A.C.E. says:

    Oh my gosh.. I love this post SO much Cathy! Pure delight. Thanks for sharing this perfect pair, a Haiku and it’s image. Love it. Hugs, G


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