Weekly Photo Challenge – Room

Room to Breathe

Room to Breathe

Here’s a view of the prairie south of Fort Collins from my house. I LOVE living in Colorado where the skies are clear, the views are expansive and there’s room to breathe…

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40 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Room

  1. I like expansive as well. Charming


  2. unfetteredbs says:

    What an awesome view , Cathy!


  3. Amy Reese says:

    So pretty, Cathy. I love those clouds. This is the Fort Collins I remember!


  4. That is a magnificent view, Cathy, but that cloud is quite a scenery chewer.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, V. I know. It is a great view. And of course you picked up on the cloud. That was actually what I thought most interesting, maybe because I look at this view every day.


  5. I love that you invite us into your house… or your world, and share the beauty you see. Your photos really capture so much, Cathy. Wonderful! I can almost breathe easier, just seeing the expansive view. 😀


  6. My first thought for “Room”, too, although I added several more interpretations. 🙂 Looking forward to getting back to our room with a (mountain) view in August.



  7. Lovely landscape with lots of space indeed!


  8. marydpierce says:

    Wow, Cathy! That’s some view you have. Gorgeous!


  9. jazzytower says:

    I always think of Colorado as someplace with room to roam. I like this take on the challenge.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thank you! I know most people think of the mountains when they think of Colorado. And had I turned ninety degrees and shot that view, that’s what you would have seen. But I also love the prairies to the east. It is a very colorful and beautiful place and quite expansive.


  10. […] LargeSelf Weekly Photo Challenge – Room […]


  11. seabluelee says:

    What a wonderful view! I love BIG skies and wide open views.


  12. aFrankAngle says:

    Prairie in one direction, then turn around for the mountains = WOW!


  13. […] Room To Relax Ivy_MosquitoShout out to all photographers!! Virginia ViewsHay! From Virginia LargeSelfWeekly Photo Challenge – Room Uncle Spike’s AdventuresWeekly Photo Challenge: Room (I) Cardinal GuzmanWeekly Photo […]


  14. vastlycurious.com says:

    THAT is my favorite room to breathe!


  15. Colorado is a place I want to visit. I enjoy reading of the lifestyle and there is so much beauty


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Colorado is definitely a beautiful place, Lana. I think you’d really enjoy visiting here! The mountains are stunning and there is lots of wide-open space! Thanks for the visit!


  16. Amy says:

    Such a spectacular view from your house. I may have mentioned to you, we lived in Boulder for six years during the mid 80s 🙂


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Yes, I remember you said you lived in Boulder. Did you enjoy it? Boulder is such a neat town.


      • Amy says:

        I miss the old Boulder a lot. It has grown so much, like everywhere else, I couldn’t recognize it when we visited there a couple of years ago.


      • Cathy Ulrich says:

        Yes, it has changed a lot! But still charming and interesting. I don’t get down there very often, it’s about an hour away, but I always enjoy it when I do. Lots of great restaurants and shops.


      • Amy says:

        It really is a charming city. The downtown area was a pioneer new urban design if I remember correctly.


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