Movie Monday – Reef Life

Still getting used to the GoPro, but here’s my latest attempt – footage from our recent dives in Bonaire. We’re going skiing this coming weekend, so stay tuned for next week’s Movie Monday. And have a great week!

39 comments on “Movie Monday – Reef Life

  1. Ha! The fact that we’re both up too late means I get to be first! Wonderful imagery to send me off to sleep. I love the music you select for these, Cathy… the video is just fantastic! Thanks for sharing. 😀


  2. I liked the fish with the blue lips, and the spidery thing waving antennae out of that crack- and the sound of the breathing. The breathing made it more immediate for me. The same footage could make two different videos: music for Coo! Wow! Cor! and breathing for contemplative.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      That fish is called a Queen Angel Fish – they’re just beautiful and so colorful. And the spidery thing is a banded coral shrimp. I’ve learned over the years of diving to look for those wispy white antennae sticking out the the reef – that’s how to find them! Glad you liked the breathing, I wasn’t sure about that, whether it was too abrupt. Thanks so much for the feedback, Clare.


      • If you Youtube any of this, do consider a whole film with the breathing. It makes it contemplative, gives greater attention to the visual (for me, I am more auditory than visual, maybe not for others) and for me would increase the pleasure.


  3. mimijk says:

    What a treat first thing this morning!!!


  4. Brigitte says:

    So cool, Cathy! All of it. Glad you’re having such a great and warm adventure. Looking forward to more.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, so much, Brigitte. Glad you enjoyed the video. I’m actually back in frigid Colorado (-7!). But it should warm up a bit later in the week and we’re going skiing on Thursday. So I’m hoping to capture some footage on the slopes for next week’s Movie Monday. Hope you’re staying warm in SC. I hear the south is supposed to get some this cold weather too. My sister lives in Atlanta…


  5. How’d you get all those fish to sign release forms?! Great video! I loved getting to hear the underwater breathing and bubbles… it takes me back!
    I’m so enjoying sharing your adventures. I’ll look forward to skiing next week. 🙂
    Glad you’re home, sorry it’s so darn cold! It’s not supposed to get out of the 30’s today. I got up this morning and started cooking chicken taco’s to make the house cozy and yummy.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Fortunately, fish can’t sign release forms! No opposing thumbs, although that octopus I photographed might have been equipped, not sure… 🙂 Yes, it is really cold here – like 10, so I’m having trouble feeling sorry for your 30s. 🙂 But chicken tacos sound awesome for a cold winter day!


      • I didn’t think you’d feel sorry for me. haha
        It’s 16 this morning!! Wha???
        Not to worry though, the high on Friday is 70.
        That’s Texas weather for you. If you don’t like it, wait a minute.


  6. unfetteredbs says:

    I love love these movie Mondays. I wonder what your music selection will be too. Your blog is always a feel good place to come. I love how you embrace life.
    Thank you…. Smiling away, Audra


  7. Carrie Rubin says:

    What vibrant colors and sharp images! Very nice. I’m enjoying these ‘vlogs’ very much. 🙂


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, Carrie. The GoPro is such a fun new toy. I, too, am impressed with the sharpness of the images. Unlike my Olympus, I don’t have an LED screen to see what’s being photographed. I just have to point it at whatever I’m wanting to capture and hope for the best. But so far, so good!


  8. Amazing, Cathy! Great job. We’re actually colder here in the Chicago area than you are out there. 🙂



  9. Cathy, I give this video a perfect 10! Or, maybe I’ll access my inner Spinal Tap and give it an 11. That was so much fun! I loved it and I loved how you cut “live” snorkeling sounds in between the music! As someone who could not handle the shower until age 30, I have a snorkeling question: is the light really like that under water or was that from the GoPro? Your GoPro videos are a blast! I want one, but where would I wear it, the subway and risk getting my brains bashed in? It might not be so wise here in the Big Apple, especially now when everyone is so cold and ready to detonate.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I love your inner Spinal Tap, V. Thanks so much, I’ll take the 11! The light really is like this underwater. The thing is that the camera usually picks up a lot of blue light which gets worse the deeper one dives. So what happens is all the reds go away. In order to get these under-water videos to look the same as they do to the diver’s eye, I put a tiny red filter over the lens of the GoPro in its UW protective housing.

      And you’re right, other than maybe going for a run in Central Park, the GoPro might be more of a detriment than an advantage in the Big Apple. Might be interesting mounted on the handlebars of a messenger’s bicycle or here’s an idea: ice skating at Rockefeller Center?


      • Well, surprise, surprise, I can’t ice skate, Cathy, but uber athlete Coco is the second coming of Katerina Witt cross-bred with Wayne Gretzky. She’s been ice skating since age 3 when her parents gave her a hockey stick and skates or as she calls it “Bitch on Blades Toddler Edition”. About the only thing I can do with ice is drop a few rocks in a glass or slip on it.

        Your underwater GoPro video is truly excellent. I look forward to seeing more of them, too. In fact, I enjoy them over water (the school of dolphins) as well as on the tundra (biking close to home).


      • Cathy Ulrich says:

        Well, maybe you could convince Coco to don a GoPro the next time she skates! That might be an interesting and entertaining video.

        We are going skiing this weekend and I’m planning on taking the GoPro for that adventure. I have several GoPro “mounts” including a “chesty.” (Really, it straps the GoPro to the center of the chest.) I also have a “pole-mount” with which I can attach it to my ski pole. It should be fun!

        Thank you for the compliments and I’m so glad you are enjoying the videos, V!


      • Skiing (something else I loath the one time I tried it 16 years ago) just the way I like it, Cathy! You do all the work and all I have to do is sit back, relax, and watch without an iota of fear of falling out of the lift. I am looking forward to that one!


      • Cathy Ulrich says:

        Happy to oblige, V. And I’m told it’s going to be a sunny weekend!

        Hope things warm up in your neck of the woods. It has been very cold here, but is supposed to be much warmer tomorrow. Perfect for the ski trip!


      • The forecast sounds like I am going to freeze my flab off tomorrow. My iPhone has a high of 19 ad a low of 9. Ugh.

        Have a blast on the ski trip!


      • Cathy Ulrich says:

        Thanks! Hope it warms up soon.


      • When considering the age of the planet, I suppose one can consider April soon.


  10. That’s really beautiful! I didn’t know the GoPro could go underwater too. I guess it would have to, to keep up with you! 🙂


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Awww, thanks, Jennifer! The GoPro is so awesome! It actually comes with its own tiny underwater housing that good to 130 feet! Not that I usually go down that deep, but I suppose I could and not ruin the GoPro!


  11. aFrankAngle says:

    Amazing color and clarity. Your good work with the camera makes it easy to watch. Many thanks for sharing!


  12. says:

    Oh the colors, the colors!!! Especially the Tangs. Great tunes and I was hoping to catch a glimpse of you !!


  13. Loved this video, seem like the GoPro suits you:)


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