Cuties Are the Bomb

Sweet Clementines
of tart, orange/tangerine.
Orbs of goodness.

I can’t stop eating them.
Fortunately they’re only
twenty calories apiece.

With shortened days
and longer nights,
your Vitamin C seduces me.

How could something so delicious
be so good for me?

Peter, you have my permission
to buy another bag
 you like.

21 comments on “Cuties Are the Bomb

  1. yourothermotherhere says:

    They are good, aren’t they?


  2. boomiebol says:

    Those little things are good, and so is this poem 🙂


  3. RFL says:

    Cuties are the bomb 🙂


  4. What interests me here is the subtle differences in culture. The packaging in my local (British) supermarket would be almost exactly the same, except they would be named tangerines or satsumas or clementines or whatever, rather than “Cuties”.

    I had my first persimmon this month. It is the size of an orange, with flesh like a mango, skin only slightly thicker than apple skin but thick enough to make me want to peel it, seed smaller than a plum’s. So I wonder, am I hopelessly backward at finding this routine part of experience, or the opposite?

    Love the cat.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I think “Cuties” is a brand name, but they are clementines. Sometimes, they’re packaged in small crate-like boxes. And for the persimmon? Sounds wonderful. Experiencing the sensuous nature of that wonderful fruit, to my way of thinking, is leading edge.

      That’s my cat, Cielo. I put him in the shot because I think he’s a “Cutie” too! He’s a great model and seems to enjoy being photographed. I think that behavior is characteristic of the breed (Tonkinese)



  5. Mmm, those look awesome. Wish I could eat them! 🙂


  6. Professions for PEACE says:

    What a sweet photo, and such a delightful poem! It has my mouth watering for them right now! Well written Cathy 🙂
    Cheers, Gina


  7. mimijk says:

    Love clementines!! And I love your adorable kitty and delicious poem!


  8. robincoyle says:

    They are like an orange explosion in your mouth. Yum-o.


  9. unfetteredbs says:

    refreshing little orbs the are! I love the way their scent fills the room


  10. I loooooooove cuties. The perfect little snack.


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