Still Water

Batfish in Roatan

Batfish in Roatan

“If, amidst the turmoil, you can find just one moment of peace in each day, then your whole life will become more joyful. Like the water in a lake, when your mind is calm, you can see the depths below.”
—  Ed and Deb Shapiro

27 comments on “Still Water

  1. Such a peaceful picture. It’s very soothing.
    Beautiful, Cathy!


  2. Beautiful Cathy, thanks for sharing.


  3. Sara says:

    This is so true. One moment can make the whole day better. I’ve definitely noticed that. And one nice person does wonders for your day.


  4. one moment of peace–I will be looking


  5. I love your underwater photos so much. These fish are really cute. At first I thought they were Sergeant Majors with the stripes but then I saw your comment that they were Batfish.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks so much, Weebs! You’re right that they’re somewhat similar to Sergeant Majors, but they’re a lot bigger and more disc like. Here’s another shot of the same school with a diver. You can appreciate the scale…I don’t know why they’re called batfish because they look like angel fish to me.

      Batfish School


  6. Carrie Rubin says:

    Beautiful picture and great reminder to lead our minds into the calm from time to time.


  7. Cathy, I looked at that great underwater photo and thought, “What do we have here, bluefish?” When I saw “batfish” I nearly choked on my lunch laughing just now, especially since my friend, Mike G., just noted on my site that comedy is all about timing. Brilliant!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Hilarious! I’m not sure why they’re called batfish either. And, yes, comedy is all about timing. I find I do similar things…And sometimes my sense of humor confounds others. Glad you liked the shot.


  8. robincoyle says:

    Wow . . . deep. No pun intended. Well, maybe just a little . . .


  9. It’s very calming to look at this picture, Cathy. Very nice photograph! The water is so clear.


  10. Awesome as always! This is why I meditate! But I will just have to imagine the fish. 🙂


  11. unfetteredbs says:

    finding that moment of peace, so very important. I love the pic.


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