Weekly Photo Challenge – Future Tense

The March Phoneography challenge continues. This week, we were asked to capture on our cell phones, something that “holds the promise or portent of the future.” Well, I’m very excited about my new Nikon D600 and I’m exploring a lot of new photographic techniques with this amazing instrument. I’m learning how to do High Dynamic Range (HDRI) Photography and I also have plans to learn Focus Stacking. To see a couple of my HDRI shots, click here and here.

Since I can’t use my D600 for this challenge, I’m sharing my creative future with a macro shot of the camera. My near future this weekend involves shooting some HDRI and Focus Stacked Macros.

My Photographic Future

My Photographic Future

I used my iPhone 4S camera with the macro lens from my Olloclip. The emblem on the camera is about 1/2″ wide and 1/8″ high. To learn more about Olloclip, click here.

And to learn more about the Weekly Photo Challenge, click here.

30 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Future Tense

  1. This is such a cool effect, Cathy. May you take many more photos with this camera! I see a camera in your future.


  2. Brigitte says:

    Cathy, this looks industrial and bold. Love it.


  3. Leave it to you to make a camera casing look sexy, Cathy. Nikon should pay you an endorsement fee.


  4. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – Future Tense « LargeSelf […]


  5. vastlycurious.com says:

    I got one for Christmas and I never used it-amazing!


  6. This made me chuckle. “I can’t use my new camera for this, but by golly I’m going to take a picture of it with the other one. So there!” Too cute. And a great shot too! Wish I had me one of them Olloclip gizmos! 😀


  7. You are so creative!


  8. Great! I have yet to familiarize myself with High Dynamic Range (HDRI) Photography and Focus Stacking, best of luck


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks! I have tried a first foray into HDRI and did my first Focus Stacking shots today. Will process them with Zerene Stacker tomorrow. It’s a whole new world and maybe THAT is my “Future Tense!”


  9. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – Future Tense « LargeSelf […]


  10. AvA_Martini says:

    wow, now I know that this Olloclip thingy exists and takes a great picture… I want one!!! hehe 🙂


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I know! The Olloclip is such a great little tool! There’s a fisheye lens, a macro lens and a wide angle lens. It turns you iPhone into a full function camera for about $60!


  11. Wow Cathy such a simple but powerful response to the challenge 🙂


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  13. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – Future Tense « LargeSelf […]


  14. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – Future Tense « LargeSelf […]


  15. seabluelee says:

    I’ve seen some amazing macros done with the Olloclip. It’s very tempting.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Yes, if you already have an IPhone, they’re not even that expensive. I’m loving the fisheye. I really like that effect, but don’t use it enough to warrant buying one for my DSLR.


  16. katalina4 says:

    New toy!! So fun! Congratulations 🙂 I have been gifting myself little accessories for my baby (a Canon) and having so much fun going out and playing with them….


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