
Guess What It Says...

Guess What It Says…


Every year
I send them a check
and wait…

Every year
They send me a sticker

I place it on the tag
and put the tax receipt
in the glovebox.

Once I was pulled over
for speeding.
I was over the speed limit,
but not by much.

I apologized
The nice state patrolman
cited me for not signing
the tax receipt instead of
for driving my hot little
two-seater too fast.
Maybe I shouldn’t sign
the tax receipt from now on?
Just sayin’

17 comments on “Registration

  1. Brigitte says:

    You’ve stumped me, Cathy.


  2. mimijk says:

    Laughing – thank you for the smile today!!


  3. You have to give them an out – the imortal words of Dale Carnegie – Let the other person save face .. otherwise the patrolman would have to let the judge or the DA decide …


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Or I would have had points and a much larger fine. He really was a nice officer. I think he was amused. It was the canyon road up to Estes Park and he could tell I was having fun in my Crossfire. How could he fine this middle-aged woman winding it out on a straight-away in a hot sports car. Besides there wasn’t anyone else on the road and I think he sensed that I was a pretty safe driver (with no record).


      • Always liked the Crossfire, sort of a modern day classic. I’ve driven Independence pas a few times in a rental, and really wanted a Porsche. That’s going on the bucket list … Be careful !


  4. I thought it was “Transfer your goods”and thought, “WTF does that mean?” I much prefer what it does mean. Do you drive the convertible model?


  5. The Hook says:

    Send this to the DMV!


  6. unfetteredbs says:

    smiling at this one Cathy. I think you need to post a pic of you in the car!


  7. Cathy Ulrich says:

    I’ll do that. But the Goddess (the car) needs a bath first! 🙂


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