24 comments on “It’s a Mystery

  1. susielindau says:

    Lovely photo and quote. Did you see the sunrise this morning? It was amazing!


  2. Nina Rao says:

    Wow! That’s beautiful Cathy! Perfect quote for a perfect photo. I think it’s amazing to experience the mystery of life!
    I miss you!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I miss you, too, Nina! Hope your doing exquisitely! Thank you! This is a shot I took on a hike in our mountains west of town. I so agree. Life is a mystery in which we bathe!


  3. ShimonZ says:

    I like the quote… and the picture too. Makes me want to take a hike into those woods.


  4. I so love your photos Cathy! The quote is spot on, too and I would say I can’t argue with it … But when I’m feeling prickly enough you know I’m the type that would try.


  5. Carrie Rubin says:

    Perfect quote. Perfect image. I don’t feel I need to solve life’s mysteries, but I should do a better job of letting myself experience them. 🙂


  6. Pictures like this are balm for my soul, one reason I take so many each year in Wyoming. 🙂



    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I love that! Balm for my soul. Where do you go in Wyoming, Janet? Do you ever come to Colorado?


      • We got to the Bighorn Mountains up from Sheridan. Usually we just stay there, although when we have company, we’ve done some signature one-day manic trips to Yellowstone. But once in awhile, we’ve made it down to Colorado and once to the sculpture show in Ft. Collins. 🙂 I went to grad school in Greeley many years ago, too.



      • Cathy Ulrich says:

        UNC, I’m assuming? And yes, isn’t the sculpture show amazing? We’ve never been up to the Bighorn Mountains. I guess the closest we’ve been is Cody on our way to Yellowstone, but I hear they’re absolutely beautiful! It’s definitely much cooler up there in the summer than here!


      • Yup, did my grad work at UNC. The sculpture is amazing and the Bighorns are the best, especially as there aren’t too many people there. 🙂


  7. Well, hey, at least it’s no mystery that you take really nice photos! 🙂


  8. Brigitte says:

    Or maybe it’s mystery to experience — ? Lovely pic, C.


  9. unfetteredbs says:

    Such beauty. Experience reality …mmm


  10. vastlycurious.com says:

    Beautiful combination Cathy !


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