Movie Monday – Dolphins!

As we were heading out in the boat for our morning dive, we looked out to the starboard side and saw a huge disturbance on the surface of the water – then dorsal fins. What ensued was a dance between us in the boat and a pod of more than 50 Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins. Enjoy!

46 comments on “Movie Monday – Dolphins!

  1. mimijk says:

    You are rockin’ that GoPro Cathy!! Awesome!


  2. Rainee says:

    What a beautiful experience 🙂


  3. What a fabulous experience–brought a huge smile thinking about your joy.


  4. aileen says:

    Playful things… how invigorating to discover them right where you are!!!


  5. unfetteredbs says:

    So much fun Cathy. Thank you for the happiness this morning.


  6. Awesome. I love it!!!
    I know you had so much fun! Can’t wait to hear more about it. 🙂


  7. Cee Neuner says:

    Oh how very wonderful!


  8. aFrankAngle says:

    Now that must have been awesome. I’ve been in boats that as dolphins swim along … but nothing like that … not even the super pod of Orca Whales in Alaska … well, at least that was live for me. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!!!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thank you for watching, Frank! I was an amazing experience. There were moms and babies and they seemed to be having so much fun! We certainly were! And I’ve never seen Orcas. Would love to do that some time!


  9. marydpierce says:

    How perfectly gleeful! In my next life I want to be a dolphin! Also, they are fast, aren’t they?


  10. It almost makes me cry, looking at those amazing creatures. I would have been giddy all day if I had seen those dolphins, Cathy!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      They make me get all verklempt too, Weebs! I’ve seen dolphins in the wild before, but never that many and there were moms with little babies. And the babies were so fast! We played with them (them in the water, us in the boat) for about 20 minutes! I’ll never forget it!


  11. Oh my. Whales and Dolphins… nothing makes my heart sing quite the same way! Fabulous!!


  12. Carrie Rubin says:

    That is fantastic! And I love the music you added. You’re so creative. Happy New Year, by the way!


  13. Glad I saw this latest masterpiece of yours before Monday gave way to Tuesday, Cathy! Wow, what a GREAT post. The music perfectly captures the pacing of those dynamic dolphins. You do rock that Go Pro, pal! I thought for a moment that maybe you were wind surfing, not to imply that I personally have an iota of experience doing that … But I suspect you kinda know that about me. Happy New Year!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Happy New Year, V! I think you’re right, the video does kind of look like I’m wind surfing, but I think it was just the speed of the boat and the speed of the dolphins. Oh, and I did try windsurfing years ago. While I’m pretty athletic, I never grokked it, even though I know how to sail. And I have this thing about not enjoying doing things I’m terrible at (not the best constructed sentence on the planet, but you know what I mean).


      • I know exactly what you mean. I can’t even swim. It took me until age 30 to handle showering without wearing a snorkel mask. Those dolphins looked so graceful. I wish I could know what that feels like for five minutes. There should be an app for that.


  14. Wow, that was so cool! Lucky you! Now I kind of want to go swimming. 🙂


  15. ShimonZ says:

    What a joyful video clip. Best wishes for a happy new year!


  16. Great video and quite a Deja’ vu. Just off the coast of Muscat, where I live, one can come across hundreds of dolphins frolicking around. And if one gets lucky, a hump backed whale or two in good measure!

    Happy New Year.



    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      That must be so cool to be able to see dolphins and whales on a regular basis, Shakti! They’re such special creatures. Glad you enjoyed the video and Happy New Year to you!



  17. says:

    AMAZING! This would absolutely make my year ( new year) to see such a marvelous sight! Did you get the GoPro Cathy? I have seen some REALLY cool videos made with it! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      It was so amazing to see these beautiful creatures having so much fun! I did get the GoPro and had a good time using it! I have another video scheduled for next Monday (Movie Monday) of some of the reef life we saw on our dive trip. Happy New Year to you! I’m so glad to know you!


  18. wow – nice way to enter the new year–thanks Cathy–


  19. How fun! They love to ride the bow wave of boats. Very cool capture!!


  20. seabluelee says:

    How delightful! That must have been a thrilling experience.


  21. LOVE this!! Oh so many dolphins, Cathy!! I love seeing dolphins. I have never seen so many close up. I’ve only seen about 4 or 5 up close together in the ocean. I love seeing them. Dolphins always give me hope. Thanks for sharing this!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thank you, Amy! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ve never seen that many dolphins in a single pod before either. I wasn’t able to capture it on the video, but there were several mothers with babies, too! Soooo cute! And I agree with you, they give me hope!


  22. Becky says:

    That was so wonderful!


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