Weekly Photo Challenge – Dreamy

Half Moon Caye

Half Moon Caye

During our recent scuba adventure aboard the Sun Dancer II, we stopped for a short land excursion to Half Moon Caye. During our morning visit to the island, we saw iguanas, red-footed boobies and a lovely stretch of white sandy beach. We enjoyed seven wonderful days of diving on the Lighthouse Reef Atoll – about 50 miles east of the mainland of Belize and Half Moon Caye rests on the southeast side of the atoll. Here’s my dreamy shot of the beach, palm trees and Peter gazing out to sea while the Sun Dancer II patiently awaits our return.

To learn more about the Weekly Photo Challenge, click here.

41 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Dreamy

  1. ninagrao says:

    Lovely Cathy! I can feel the peace and tranquility now. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Carrie Rubin says:

    Oh how gorgeous. I wouldn’t mind being there right about now. 🙂


  3. Amy Reese says:

    So dreamy. Wow! What a wonderful place.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. aaaah. i’d love to be there


  5. Gorgeous, Cathy! Belize is so stunning; hard to not find photo ops! What I wouldn’t give to just peruse all of your photos! Love this one. I’m on the plane… Finally headed to Fiji! 😎

    Sent from Dawn’s iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, Dawn! And Fiji!!!! I’m so jealous! I hope you have a wonderful time.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It is absolute HEAVEN, Cathy! My camera broke on day 2 (the camera I brought when my Nikon died!!)… so I’m grateful Barry has a new iPhone6… better than mine. But… oh, how I keep wishing I had my underwater camera back. Luckily, I got photos on our first snorkel. It’s just stunning! THIS should be your next destination; you’d really love it!


  6. Amy says:

    Beautiful colors of the sea and sky, perfect composition. I love the angle you took!!


  7. jenny says:

    Now that is definitely a dreamy view! Love it!

    I also just popped by to say that I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award.

    It may not be your thing, but if you’d like to play then please do come and have a look: https://readsbyredriverbanks.wordpress.com/2014/10/11/time-for-celebratory-cake-but-definitely-no-custard/

    Have a great weekend! x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. marydpierce says:

    Dreamy is an discription for this shot. What a life. What a place. I wouldn’t ever want to leave. Your husband’s level of relaxation, even in silhouette, is obvious. Beautiful!


  9. Mmm, I think I will be going there in my dreams now too! 🙂


  10. aFrankAngle says:

    What a place for peace and relaxation! Excellent capture!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – Dreamy (largeself.com) […]


  12. […] Weekly Photo Challenge – Dreamy (largeself.com) […]


  13. seabluelee says:

    Oh, that is a dreamy spot. This is the sort of place I dream of when the snow is piling up outside…in March!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. quarksire says:

    very kewl …makes me think of my diving dayz many years ago – seems like another lifetime 🙂 ,,, dove frum when i was 9 with a single 38 till i was 40 an migrated to the mountains,, yep miss da diving i do 🙂 great memories though 🙂 … stay warm 🙂 Q


  15. That looks like a tropical paradise, Cathy — quite a remove from the chilly bus stop where I was standing with Milton, who foolishly wasn’t wearing a jacket, just a little while ago.


  16. DREAMY indeed! As you know… I’m entirely immersed in dream time right now. 😉


  17. […] Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreamy (larger self) […]


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