Bumper Sticker Philosophy

I love great bumper stickers. I love to drive up behind a car and see what saying someone thought important or funny enough to stick on the back of their car. Don’t you find yourself wondering about the person driving that car? I do. I find I’m curious about their interests, their philosophies, prejudices? Mind you, I don’t put bumper stickers on my cute little periwinkle blue, two-seater, Chrysler Crossfire. But if I had an old clunker, there are some “keepers” that I’d be tempted to plaster there. This is one of them:

So, here’s my take on Karma and Dogma:

  • Often called the Law of Cause and Effect, Karma is the vibration that we emit habitually through our thoughts and beliefs
  • Our habitual vibration acts as a magnet to attract to us experiences that match our beliefs and thoughts
  • While karma is often thought to be the effect of actions taken (cause), those less-than-optimal actions result from beliefs (fears mostly) that would show up as “bad” karma
  • Good karma also shows up as an outpicturing of thoughts and beliefs. Love, kindness, positive energy
  • Karma is not some reward or punishment for past deeds. It is simply the reflection of a vibration which can be changed at any time.
  • Dogma is typically a set of beliefs imposed by others and accepted without question.
  • Dogmatic adherence to beliefs can definitely manifest as cause and effect – aka Karma

So, to become more conscious and to rise above any pattern of Karma here are a few suggestions:

  • Question your beliefs. Look at where they came from and decide whether they still serve you.
  • Disrespect reality! It is just the outpicturing of your beliefs up to now.
  • Choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely.
  • Learn from your mistakes and in the process be gentle with yourself.
  • Stop telling yourself scary stories from the past. The story keeps you stuck in the belief in “reality” and your beliefs about yourself.

Yes, while I do think there is a basic law whether you call it Cause and Effect or the Law of Attraction, it is simply a reflection of your beliefs, thoughts and vibration.  And know this: you can change your vibration and therefore your karma in a single moment…



©CathyUlrich and LargeSelf, 2012

18 comments on “Bumper Sticker Philosophy

  1. I think you should make a bumper sticker out of the phrase “Disrespect reality.” That’s brilliant! And so true about avoiding a constant replay of stuff from the past, and remembering that your perception and the actuality of a situation are not necessarily the same thing. Thank you Cathy!!


  2. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Thanks, MW! I actually can’t take credit for that one. The first time I heard it was from my friend Lola Jones, but I love it! And you’re right it would make a great bumper sticker! I’ll have to talk to Lola about that! – Hugs, Cathy


  3. Great reminder, I would have mentioned ‘attachment… ‘


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, GrandfatherSky! Yes, I agree – attachment is a big one and causes lots of suffering. I have a client right now who has an aging dog and she is having a really hard time even with the thought of losing her. It’s really hard to see. You’re right. Thanks so much for the comment! – Cathy


  4. I love this Cathy. I am a huge believer in Karma. I also love that you called everyone out on living in the past. Learn from it and leave it! Right on.


  5. Gina's Professions for PEACE says:

    Thanks Cathy! Another inspiring article. I’m with you that I don’t do bumper stickers. I also ponder the person driving with certain ones. I like your suggestion of “Learn from your mistakes and in the process be gentle with yourself”.
    And if I may share, this reminds me of some university students who had fun with chalk art and wrote out (as quickly and anonymously as they could) sayings to uplift. I remember one being “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly”. I’ve been inspired to take chalk somewhere public and quickly write out inspiring words too. Haven’t yet but I love the idea.
    Thanks again Cathy!
    Love, Gina


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, Gina. Ooooh, I love that idea – Stealth chalk art/inspiration! How fun is that?! Maybe we should start a movement? Or at least build on this one? And by all means, share! I love your comments…

      Love and hugs,



      • Gina's Professions for PEACE says:

        😀 Hooray! The beginnings of a new movement! Stealth chalk art Inspirations! Great name Cathy. It must be meant to be! Hugs back dear one, Gina


  6. Hi Cathy, just popping in to say hello and to let you know I’m thinking of you, seeing the news about the continuing/expanding fires. Stay safe!!


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks so much, MW. The fire here is winding down, something like 75% contained, but boy, that one in Colorado Springs looks nasty! That’s about 120 miles away. I’m envisioning rain for the whole state – no matter what the Farmer’s Almanac says.


  7. My favorite is: “Coffee, Chocolate, and Men — Three things that are better rich.”


  8. Yes, “disrespect reality”. No-one sees reality, it is far too complex. We see the patterns we imagine in it.

    I find it so difficult to be gentle with myself. I do not think I am alone in this. Yet I find it much easier to be gentle with others. I would not judge others as I judge myself. So- be with myself as I might be with another human being?


  9. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Absolutely! I like to put it this way, soothe yourself as you would a small child who was upset or frightened. What would you tell them? How would you comfort and gentle them? Thanks for stopping by, Clare. Now I’m going to check out your blog! Cathy


  10. LyannV says:

    Reblogged this on Starfish Way and commented:
    •”Choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely.”
    •”Learn from your mistakes and in the process be gentle with yourself.”
    •”Stop telling yourself scary stories from the past. The story keeps you stuck in the belief in “reality” and your beliefs about yourself.”


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