28 comments on “What’s In-Between

  1. vastlycurious.com says:

    Great quote but better photo Cathy !


  2. and yet we sometimes rush the in between–the photo is a nice pause


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thank you, LouAnn! This is a shot of Cameron Pass which is in-between Fort Collins and Steamboat Springs. But we always love to stop and take a few photos. And sometimes it’s a destination as there are wonderful trails for hiking and snowshoeing.


  3. mimijk says:

    Those spaces in between are often the best…


  4. aFrankAngle says:

    What a wonderful shot with an outstanding quote.


  5. Great shot of a gorgeous landscape Cathy.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      Thanks, V. I really liked that winding road in the shot. It felt like it gave the shot a story. You’ve been relatively quiet recently. Are you traveling?


      • I was out on the West Coast visiting my family and returned via the red eye earlier this week which always wreaks havoc on my fragile biorhythms. I had intended to get a post out before hitting the road (actually, hitting the air), but I had a lot going on and not enough time to publish a post that would meet my standards. Yes, even Lame Adventures has a slender strand of standards, as unlikely as that might seem. I will probably post something new soon, or at least by month’s end because Milton wants us to cover LGBT pride again, even though I am getting tired of guys in feathers and gals on motorcycles. Clearly, I have completed the transition and have become the lesbian version of my mother.


  6. I’m pretty sure everything there is to be seen is in between. Life is what happens while you’re making other plans, as the song goes.

    Gorgeous shot! 🙂


  7. Have to disagree a bit with the quote (although I agree in spirit.) What we go to Wyoming, I love the in-between but the ending is the best. 🙂



  8. Brigitte says:

    Wow, those are certainly some wide open in-between spaces, Cathy and always, beautifully captured by you.


  9. Beautiful! That sky is really spectacular… especially against/ between the mountain spaces. Just wonderful!


  10. seabluelee says:

    I love the in-between, but also love the destination…and cherish the going home, too. I’m not sure I could choose the “best” among them. However…almost 20 years ago I moved from California to Ohio and drove alone across the country to get there. The in-between of that trip remains one of the highlights of my life.


    • Cathy Ulrich says:

      I so agree, Lee. I took a trip like that years ago where I put 10,000 miles on the car. It was the travel that made it so special! I really like the underlying meaning of the quote – and I think we actually live in the in-between highlighted by a few destinations.


  11. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Thank you, Elyse!


  12. ShimonZ says:

    I don’t know about ‘most’ important. It would be enough, it seems, to realize the importance of every step.


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